Sunday, July 31, 2011

Auggie Gets His Traveling Mojo

Friday, July 29

And now a few words to Auggie. He has, despite a rough few “dry run” camping weekends in DC before we left, settled in nicely to this journey so far. His spot in the van is rapidly becoming the co-pilot’s seat. Despite the fact that he hates bucket seats because he is too big for them, he is making it work. He likes to look out. He likes to be with me. He likes to see what’s going on around him. 

When it gets too tiresome to be in the co-pilot’s seat, he goes back to the bed (I leave it set up now), and he lays down to look out the back window and see where he’s been.

He really is a fantastic friend and a fantastic traveling buddy now, too. As I type this, he is completely sacked out on the bed next to me, exhausted from his day in daycare. He was sure I was abandoning him today when I left the daycare facility to head to the museum. You could see it in his face – an ever-so-slight element of fear and indignation that I really was leaving him with these strangers and these other dogs. When will he understand that I always come back???

However, my little man earned himself a DIPLOMA today. Ha! He’s never earned a diploma before for making it through a day at daycare. But today he did, and I’m sure I must find a spot for it on our wall at home. My dog is ed-u-ma-cated now! Word.

Off tomorrow to try and find out if my broken wastewater pipe can be fixed any time soon. And if I can finally get a reliable WiFi connection to get a whole lotta web surfing done.  


  1. Glad to see Auggie settling in. I am sure it will make your journey twice as good!

  2. Auggie continues to do really well. He's getting used to being on the road and is having fun with it. (as far as my human eyes can tell) What a great little travel buddy. :-)

  3. Congrats to Auggie for his achievement! I love the diploma. But I love the picture of him looking out the front of the van more. :-)
