Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Menlo Park with Adam, Karen, Rachel and Jason

Sunday, September 25

Sunday morning was spent quietly, taking a leisurely breakfast, checking out of the campsite at 11.00 am, and then spending some additional time with the map, a tour book and our calendar to start plotting our way through the next several weeks.

We were due at the Fingerman’s about 2.00 pm that day. So, when it was time, we got back on the road and drove the quick half hour down to Menlo Park.

I could have spotted Rachel as a Fingerman from a mile away. She looks so much like both Adam and Karen. She was playing with a friend outside her house when I walked up, and I asked if she was Rachel. She said yes, and then I said that I was Christine. She said that she knew, and that she knew about the chipmunk. Here was a child who had been reading my blog! I liked her already. J 

I asked her if she wanted to go and meet Auggie, and she said yes. First, though, I wanted to let Adam know I was here. I hadn’t seen Adam for I don’t even know how many years. It was so good to see him again!!!

Adam and I said our hellos, and then the three of us went out to meet Auggie in the Champagne Chevy. Just as we were there, getting a tour, Karen and Jason came back from two birthday parties. Apparently Jason was full of cake, which that cute little man didn’t need to be full of energy – he’s got his own natural stores!

We had a great afternoon. We took Auggie to the dog park. Rachel and Jason learned how to tell Auggie sit, and Auggie got almost an entire pouch of treats by the time the day was done. (See why he likes kids so much?!?) We watched a guy and a kid launch rockets into the sky. And then we had some sushi for dinner.

When I was five and seven, I had never heard of sushi, but the idea of eating raw fish would have repulsed me, I’m sure. You know, the kind of thing that would have made you hold your nose and say "Ewwwww!" Yet Rachel and Jason loved it. They even asked for seaweed snacks to go along with their rolls, and between the two of them they ate the entire package of seaweed. Hmmmmm … Karen, how do you do it?

Before dinner, Rachel had drawn me a Halloween picture, which I hung on the fridge in the Champagne Chevy. It’s complete with ghoulish, bleeding ghosties, a happy Frankenstein, a pumpkin and a gravestone with spooky “wicked eyes” rolling underground. Oooooh – I am ready for Halloween now. And it’s very cool – now I have artwork in the Champagne Chevy! That rocks. 

Rachel had also made me a dreamcatcher, complete with beads. This was to help keep bad dreams away from me. I also now have that hanging in the Champagne Chevy, right next to my bed. (So far it’s working beautifully – no bad dreams. Thanks, Rachel!)

Bedtime was a little more challenging. I, of course, didn’t help matters. Jason wanted to show me his karate, so he wanted to change into his karate gi. (Sorry, Karen, you’d just put his jammies on!) 

Then it was story time. And then it was just too interesting that a guest was in the house downstairs, and so both kids had to come down a few times.

We took another few giggly pictures, and then both Adam and Karen had to each go make one more visit upstairs to get them settled into bed. I hope they had a good sleep.

It was then time for me to get on my way to another friend’s house, farther south in Morgan Hill, where I would spend the next few days.

I said good-bye to Adam and Karen, along with huge thank-yous. And I hope it won’t be nearly as long till I see them all again.

I got to Morgan Hill just before 10.00 pm and started my visit with the Obbemas and … “Hank the Tank.”  

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